& More
The “& More” part of our name refers to the many other interesting plants we are evaluating and growing for sale. Our seasonal greenhouse is filled with scented geraniums, along with the recent additions of five different ornamental oreganos and their beautiful pastel colored hop-like flower clusters. For fellow cactus and succulent lovers we offer a growing number of Rhipsalis and Lepismium species, known as the mistletoe or jungle cacti. Our spiny Dyckias are also a favorite, and only add to what Chanticleer Gardens’ horticulturist Dan Benarcik once called, “the best selection of Bromeliads north of Orlando.” Tillandsia, the “air plants”, belong to this family too. We maintain a large but ever-changing inventory from this genus that David has been studying, growing, and collecting since the 1980’s.

- Air Plant Mobile
- Scented geraniums
- Dyckias
As for hardy plants, a rapid sell out most years are our large field-grown plants of the very reliable Delphinium strains from New Zealand. Believe it or not, these are dug and offered wrapped in burlap like a small shrub. What has become another customer favorite is Primula kisoana. This ground covering primrose with its felty, hairy leaves and rosy pink flower umbels never seems readily available elsewhere, yet our inventory allows us to provide large potted field-grown specimens.
- Primula kisoana
- Balled & Burlaped Delphiniums
- Delphinium 'Morning Lights'
For now, we unfortunately lack the proper facilities that would make mail order possible for most of these items. The best method for discovering our other plant selections is to come see us at one of the many enjoyable horticultural events we regularly attend as vendors. In addition, David is often urged to bring along plant material relative to his lecture topics to offer attendees.